Monday, December 14, 2009

Who stole Christmas? :)

A little sidenote- this weekend I remembered why I chose to come to Tunisia for my internship during the winter. The weather has been simply amazing! I mean nowadays it’s not that hot that you’ll go around in a T-Shirt but almost. It’s about 20 degrees and there’s sunshine. In Sousse I could just put on my “ballerinas” and walk out of the house without a jacket! In Tunis it's a bit colder but it is not anywhere close to what I am used to during this time of year. I hope it stays that way and I can imagine that it will be a bit of a shock going back to cold, cold Vienna in January.

The downside to having no real winter in December is the fact that normally this is Christmas time and now I cannot feel the spirit at all. I’ll probably only realize it’s Christmas when we start cooking the Christmas Eve dinner and when I buy some presents. If it wasn’t for my roommates I might end up missing Christmas this year because here it’s not present at all! I kinda miss the snow and the decorations. Oh, well, I’ll guess we’ll decorate the house a bit in the next days and start having dinner with Christmas songs playing in the background. That might help to bring in the Christmas mood. At least there’s no Christmas stress here! :)


  1. Hey Steli. Will there be any last impressions on your blog, or do I have to wait until you are here to know how January is going? ;) Looking so much forward to seeing you soon!
